Blog Posts

Here you will find various writings on subjects which I deem interesting enough to write about. That typically includes web development, miscellaneous programming with python and the Godot game engine, and linux things.

If you wish to discuss anything you read here, feel free to open an issue over at the Github source of this blog.

  1. Switching from JetBrains IDEs to Vim

    The JetBrains IDEs are the industry standard when it comes to writing code - and for very good reason. It's hard to deny that they're probably the best IDEs out there. An easy excuse to not try them out was their lack of semantic highlighting, but they eventually added that in …

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  2. Entroware Zeus Review

    Update 07/2019 It seems Entroware have released a new version of the Zeus. It's now a 16" machine which features less IO than the model I purchased, but comes with a better processor and a 2080 GPU. This means my review is now somewhat obsolete.

    The Zeus is a …

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