At my workplace we like to use CI/CD to automatically deploy any changes to the master branch into production.
This involves two main pieces of technology - Circleci and Ansible.
My preferred stack for web development is:
- Flask
- Postgres
- Uwsgi
- Nginx
- Supervisor
In this post I'll provide an example of how we implement this for a python application which uses the above technologies.
Our Deployment and Rollback Process
We deploy our applications by copying over the contents of the github repository via rsync. We first set up a parent folder somewhere on the system, such as /var/www/project_name. Inside this folder we maintain two more folders: builds and current. Our nginx is then pointed to /var/www/project_name/current. However, current is not actually a folder, it is a symlink to the latest build inside our builds folder.
This allows us to very quickly undo a deployment by just updating the current symlink to an older build and restarting our web server.
All of this is done automatically using Ansible.
The first thing to do is to set up ansible. We typically create a folder named ansible inside the project's repo. We can then begin with the hosts file, which holds information about our live server.
With this information set up, we now need to define some variables which will be used throughout our playbook. The /path/to/project bits will be replaced with the file path at which we will store the repository on our live server.
project_root: "/path/to/project"
project_source: "{{ playbook_dir }}/.."
builds_dir: "/path/to/project/builds"
current_release_dir: "/path/to/project/current"
excludes_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/rsync_excludes"
keep_releases: 5
With the variables taken care of, we now need a playbook to execute.
- name: "Deploy to production"
any_errors_fatal: true
hosts: web
- { role: deploy, become: yes }
Our playbook calls one role. This role will look as follows (large file ahead):
- name: "Register Build Time"
command: date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
run_once: true
register: build_time
- set_fact:
build_dir: "{{ builds_dir }}/{{build_time.stdout}}"
- name: "Create build directory"
path: "{{ build_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: "Rsync repo content to build directory"
src: "{{ project_source }}"
dest: "{{ build_dir }}"
- "--exclude-from={{ excludes_file }}"
- stat: path={{ current_release_dir }}
register: link
- debug: msg="Current release symlink exists"
when: link.stat.islnk is defined and link.stat.islnk
- name: "Create checksum from current requirements.txt file"
shell: md5sum {{ current_release_dir }}/requirements.txt | awk '{print $1}' > {{ project_root }}/old_requirements.checksum
when: link.stat.islnk is defined and link.stat.islnk
- name: "Create checksum from new build requirements.txt file"
shell: md5sum {{ build_dir }}/requirements.txt | awk '{print $1}' > {{ project_root }}/new_requirements.checksum
when: link.stat.islnk is defined and link.stat.islnk
- name: "Check for checksum changes"
shell: diff {{ project_root }}/old_requirements.checksum {{ project_root }}/new_requirements.checksum
register: req_diff
when: link.stat.islnk is defined and link.stat.islnk
ignore_errors: yes
- debug: msg="Changes detected"
when: req_diff.rc is defined and req_diff.rc == 1
- name: "Create build virtualenv"
command: python3.6 -m venv {{ build_dir }}/env
- name: "Pip wheel requirements"
command: python3.6 -m pip wheel --wheel-dir={{ project_root }}/wheels -r {{ build_dir }}/requirements.txt
when: req_diff.rc is not defined or (req_diff.rc is defined and req_diff.rc == 1)
- name: "Install requirements on new build virtualenv"
requirements: "{{ build_dir }}/requirements.txt"
virtualenv: "{{ build_dir }}/env"
extra_args: "--use-wheel --no-index --find-links={{project_root}}/wheels"
- name: "Update current release symlink"
state: link
force: yes
path: "{{ current_release_dir }}"
src: "{{ build_dir }}"
- name: "Reload UWSGI"
name: "uwsgi"
state: restarted
- name: "Cleanup old releases"
shell: ls -1dt {{ builds_dir }}/* | tail -n +{{ keep_releases | int + 2 }} | xargs rm -rf
when: keep_releases > 0
That's a lot to take in. Let's go over it step by step.
- Register build time - Gets a string representing the current date and time. This is used as the folder name. (More on this later).
- Create build directory - Creates a folder under builds named after our build time.
- Rsync content to build directory - self explanitory.
- Create checksums from requirements.txt files - If we have an old release, we grab its requirements.txt file and generate an md5 hash. We then do the same for our current requirements.txt. This allows us to check if our requirements have changed since the last deploy.
- Check for checksum changes - Check if the two md5 hashes are different. This is then stored in req_diff.
- Create build virtualenv - Self explanitory
- Pip wheel requirements - If our checksums differ, our requirements have updated. We need to download them as wheel files into our wheels directory.
- Install requirements on new build virtualenv - Installs everything in our wheels directory into our virtualenv.
- Update current release symlink - Symlinks the current folder in the project root to point to our latest build folder.
- Reload Uwsgi - Calls upon supervisor to restart our uwsgi process.
- Cleanup old releases - Deletes old copies of the repo from the builds directory, leaving us with only the most recent 5.
Now that we have a playbook which will deploy our website to its live server, we need to use Circleci to make this happen automatically whenever someone pushes to the master branch on Github.
After telling Circleci about our project, we add the following file to the .circleci folder inside our repo.
version: 2
- image: circleci/python:3.6.2
- image: circleci/postgres:9.6.2
- ANSIBLE_LOCAL_TEMP: /home/circleci/.ansible/tmp
- ANSIBLE_REMOTE_TEMP: /home/circleci/.ansible/tmp
- checkout
- restore_cache:
- deps-{{ checksum "requirements.txt" }}
- run:
name: Install Dependencies
command: |
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install ansible
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rsync
- save_cache:
key: deps-{{ checksum "requirements.txt" }}
- "env"
- run:
name: Run Tests
command: |
. env/bin/activate
export TEST_MODE=1
pytest -vs
- store_artifacts:
path: test-reports
destination: test-reports
- run:
name: Deploy to production
command: |
. env/bin/activate
ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts ansible/deployment.yml
version: 2
- build:
only: master
This configuration will cause Circleci to spawn two containers - one for python and one for postgres. We set some enviroment variables to allow our postgres database to function, and let ansible play nicely with circleci.
We leverage the ability to store our env folder against the checksum of requirements.txt, preventing the need to reinstall all of our external packages on each deploy (unless the requirements are updated).
After installing dependencies, we run our unit tests via pytest then call our ansible playbook to deploy.
Rolling Back
If a deployment passes all of its unit tests but is somehow catastrophically broken, we can use Ansible to roll back to a previous release.
- name: "Revert the build"
any_errors_fatal: true
hosts: web
- { role: revert_web_build, become: true }
Another playbook which calls a single role.
- name: "Determine penultimate build"
shell: ls -d /path/to/project/builds/* | tail -n +{{ keep_releases }} | head -1
register: penultimate_build
- name: "Update current release symlink"
state: link
force: yes
path: "{{ current_web_release_dir }}"
src: "{{ penultimate_build.stdout }}"
- name: "Reload supervisord"
name: "supervisord"
state: "reloaded"
- name: "Restart uwsgi"
command: "supervisorctl restart uwsgi"
This role finds the previous build in our builds folder then updates the current symlink to point at it. It finishes off by restarting uwsgi to update the web server.
Now if a panic ensues, a developer simply needs to run ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts ansible/rollback.yml and a deployment will be reversed while a fix is worked on.