Writing a Social Proof Service in Python and SocketIO

For the unaware, a social proof service is typically an externally-hosted SaaS product which, when integrated with a customer's website, displays a small notification card at the bottom of the screen whenever a person performs some action on that website, such as signing up for a newsletter or buying a product.

Providers of these services claim that using them will increase converstion rates. Obviously this must be taken with a grain of salt, as these people are trying to sell their service! Still, it is an interesting thing to consider.

I was interested in the technology behind this, and thought that the concept would work rather well for one of the websites I run at work. This lead me to attempt to make such a service myself. As it turns out, it is incredibly simple to do.

An outline of how it works

I have a site which acts as a sort of CMS (it's a really difficult one to explain). The front-end of this site is using a drag-and-drop website builder, and it communicates with the CMS via liberal use of javascript's innerHTML.

The initial goal was to integrate the social-proofing service to the rest of the CMS, since the front-end already talks to it.

It didn't seem to be possible to do this, but luckily flask_socketio made the actual server-side so simple that this became no problem at all.

In its final form, the server-side involved a very small file, similar in size to a hello_world flask tutorial, and an HTML snippet which would just need to be pasted into the homepage of the website-builder to handle everything else.

Writing the server

The server makes use of the aforementioned flask_socketio to run a very simple server. An app is created just like a normal flask site, and a single route is added, which is responsible for performing the broadcast to all connected sockets.

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_socketio import SocketIO

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = config["flask"]["secret_key"]
socketio = SocketIO(

API_KEY = config["proof"]["api_key"]

@app.route("/signup", methods=["POST"])
def on_signup():
    When POSTed to, sends a socketio message telling
    all listening visitors that an offer was just
    taken out.
    data = request.form

    api_key = data.get("api_key")
    if not api_key or not api_key == API_KEY:
        return "Bad or missing API key", 401

    img_path = data["img_path"] or "default"
    offer_name = data["offer_name"] or "one of our partners"
    user_name = data["user_name"] or "someone"

        {"img_path": img_path, "offer_name": offer_name, "user_name": user_name},

    return "thanks"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    socketio.run(app, port=6009)

We set up a flask_socketio server in much the same way as we would a regular flask server. The urls of our website are passed to the cors_allowed_origins so that random people cannot send messages to our socket server. The api_key acts in much the same way.

The POST request takes 3 parameters, and we will see what these are used for in the client code now.

Writing the client

The client is a bit more complicated than the server, as it has to handle injecting the HTML, the logic for displaying it, and a rather crude queue to handle the case when multiple sign-ups happen in quick succession (which we know is absolutely the case with this particular site).

function onSignup(data) {
    if (!window.popupIsVisible) {
    } else {

function displayFromBacklog() {
    if (window.backlog.length && !window.popupIsVisible) {

function afterCooldown() {
    if (!window.popupIsVisible && window.backlog.length) {

function hidePopup() {
    window.popupIsVisible = false;

    setTimeout(afterCooldown, 2000);

function showPopup(data) {
    var offerName = data["offer_name"];
    var userName = data["user_name"];
    var imgPath = data["img_path"];

    var imageTarget = document.querySelector('#proof-popup #image img');
    var messageTarget = document.querySelector('#proof-popup #message');

    imageTarget.src = imgPath;
    messageTarget.innerText = userName + " just signed up with " + offerName + "!";

    window.popupIsVisible = true;

    setTimeout(hidePopup, 3500);

function addPopupHtml() {
    var popupMain = document.createElement('div');
    popupMain.id = 'proof-popup';

    var popupImgDiv = document.createElement('div');
    popupImgDiv.id = 'image'

    var popupImg = document.createElement('img');

    var popupMessage = document.createElement('div');
    popupMessage.id = 'message'




window.popupIsVisible = false;
window.backlog = [];


var socket = io("");

socket.on('connect', function() {
    console.log("im connected");

socket.on('signup', onSignup);

Quite a lot to take in, so we'll go over it piece by piece.

The function addPopupHtml is used to add a few HTML elements to the end of the <body> of the page, which will contain the popup itself. We have a wrapping div, a thumbnail image, and some text. The image will be populated by what is posted to the img_path parameter. The text will be built from the offer_name and user_name parameters.

After injecting this HTML, we connect to our socket server and add a listener to the "signup" event. This is the event emitted from our server's route, which sends the three POST parameters to our javascrupt.

If a popup is already visible, we will add the received data to our backlog, otherwise we have a popup to show.

The showPopup function takes those three pieces of informtion and does the filling-in of the injected popup HTML, then assigns the "visible" class to the popup's wrapper div, which makes it display to the user.

We also set a global popupIsVisible variable against the window, and kick off a function to hide the popup again after 3 and a half seconds.

Hiding the popup is as simple as just removing the "visible" class from it, and then we set another timeout to check for the presence of a backlog.

If we have a backlog, we shift the oldest set of information from the backlog and display it as a popup in the same way.

Now that the logic is all in place, let's see how the styling is making that "visible" class work.

The styling

#proof-popup {
    position: fixed;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    justify-content: space-evenly;
    align-items: center;
    bottom: 10px;
    right: -320px;
    -webkit-transition: right 1.25s ease;
    transition: right 1.25s ease;
    width: 310px;
    height: 100px;
    border-radius: 20px;
    background: #452462;
    color: white;
    border: 2px solid #ddd;
    font-family: "Roboto", 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

#proof-popup.visible {
    right: 10px;

#proof-popup #image {
    width: 20%;
    height: auto;
    float: left;

#proof-popup #image img {
    width: 100%;

#proof-popup #message {
    width: 70%;
    float: left;

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #proof-popup {
        width: 90%;
        bottom: -105%;
        right: 5%;
        -webkit-transition: bottom 1.25s ease;
        transition: bottom 1.25s ease;

    #proof-popup.visible {
        bottom: 2.5%;
        right: 5%;


Not a great deal to say about this, it's making the popup appear as a small, rounded box in the corner of a desktop screen, or the center-bottom of a mobile screen.

On desktop, the popup will animate in from the right of the screen, then animate away by going left again. On a mobile, it comes in from the bottom, then hides back down again.

Putting it together

So now we have a server listening for a POST request, and a client which establishes a socket connection to this server. All that's left to do now is integrate it with our website.

This is as simple as sending a POST request whenever a user signs up. I won't show the real production code here, since it's wrapped in business logic, but hopefully you know how to send a POST request contianing the three parameters from the earlier server code.

With this all in place, I just had to provide a small snippet of HTML to the person who builds the front end.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.3.0/socket.io.js" integrity="sha256-bQmrZe4yPnQrLTY+1gYylfNMBuGfnT/HKsCGX+9Xuqo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://my-domain.com/static/css/proof.css">
<script src="https://my-domain.com/static/js/proof.js"></script>

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