I like having high test coverage when building websites at work, but the more tests I write, the slower the suite becomes to run. This not only could discourage other team members from running the test suites themselves, but it also increases the time it takes for CI/CD to …
read moreBlog Posts
Here you will find various writings on subjects which I deem interesting enough to write about. That typically includes web development, miscellaneous programming with python and the Godot game engine, and linux things.
If you wish to discuss anything you read here, feel free to open an issue over at the Github source of this blog.
Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab Review
I watch a LOT of youtube, and the vast majority of said watching is done on android devices. I've owned quite a few android tablets over the years, and I can honestly say there is NOTHING which can even compare to the Lenovo Yoga Tab line when it comes to …
read moreLudum Dare 45 Results
If you didn't read my previous post on LD45, check it out here.
The Ludum Dare results came in, and I did kinda better than last time. I have a more detailed breakdown this year so you can see how well I ranked in each category.
My results were:
Overall …
read morePlainMan - Ludum Dare 45 Post Mortem
For the unfamiliar, Ludum Dare is a 48 or 72 hour game jam. The organisers announce a theme and begin a countdown, then you have either 48 hours to create a game by yourself and enter it into the "Compo", or 72 hours to work in a team of any …
read moreHow to Mount a 9p Share in a Centos 7 or 8 KVM Guest
Just a short post as this is something I've been needing for a while, but it doesn't come up when searching online.
If you try and use 9p in a vanilla centos install, you'll see Unknown filesystem type 9p.
In your Centos guest, run this:
sudo yum --enablerepo centosplus install …
read moreLinux on a Thinkpad T490s
My work laptop was recently due for an upgrade, and after careful deliberation, I landed on a Thinkpad T490s. Compared to my previous E570, it was a huge upgrade. The specs are as follows:
- Size : 14 Inch
- Weight : 1.49 KG
- CPU : i7-8665U
- RAM : 16 GB DDR4
- Drive : 256 GB …
Switching from JetBrains IDEs to Vim
The JetBrains IDEs are the industry standard when it comes to writing code - and for very good reason. It's hard to deny that they're probably the best IDEs out there. An easy excuse to not try them out was their lack of semantic highlighting, but they eventually added that in …
read moreLudum Dare 44 Results
If you didn't read my previous post on LD44, check it out here.
The Ludum Dare results came in, and I didn't do as well as last time. I have a more detailed breakdown this year so you can see how well I ranked in each category.
My results were …
read moreSweet Squish - Ludum Dare 44 Post Mortem
For the unfamiliar, Ludum Dare is a 48 or 72 hour game jam. The organisers announce a theme and begin a countdown, then you have either 48 hours to create a game by yourself and enter it into the "Compo", or 72 hours to work in a team of any …
read moreLearning a Compiled Language as a Python Fan
It's probably no secret that python is my favourite programming language. The speed at which you can get a complicated program up and running is amazing. My day job as a web developer is one of the places where python shines the most, and so I get to work with …
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